Beasley to Chifley and Evatt

Cablegram P195 PARIS, 3 September 1946


The Russian delegates on all Commissions embarked on a policy of personal abuse and insulting references against our delegates.

Today General Boase [2] on the Military Commission, Dr. Walker on the Economic Finland and Balkans Commission and myself on the Italian Political and Territorial Commission had nasty experiences. In each case no degree whatever of provocation was given on our side so apparently it is a plan.

The British Government and Dominions met this afternoon and I raised this aspect stating that apart from the United States and Canada no other delegate protested. I contended we could play the same game but it was not our wish and wanted to know whether or not the British delegation were prepared to see we got fair and decent hearing. They decided to co-operate but I will have to see the result before I can be sure they will do so.

Many of our amendments were discussed and very little support was forthcoming. The New Zealand delegate said he had a message to support the Human Rights proposal [3] but only weakly advanced his interest. No others present indicated any firmness to support us.

Treaty revision executive was not supported either-those who spoke claimed the United Nations Organisation the most appropriate body to use. I think I should indicate that whatever result is achieved will arise from our own efforts. We will not obtain much support from the British group, as for outside it is very problematical.


1 Transmitted from London on 5 September.

2 Major-General A. J. Boase, Australian Army Representative in London.

3 Australia proposed the creation of a European Court of Human Rights.


[AA:A1067, E46/38/14]