Evatt to Bailey

Cablegram [UNY]393 CANBERRA, 22 November 1946


Your UN.768. [1]

It is impossible to consider amendments for some days and it is most important to stick firmly to our guns. it is now midnight Friday and to suggest authorisation of amendments by to-morrow morning is absurd. I feel strongly that this is not a matter of argument but of lining up votes, and I feel that this may not have been properly done. If I am right in this Ambassador should immediately discuss matter with Byrnes and Vandenberg, but this I fear should have been done some weeks ago in the light of your assurance to me of Dulles support. I am rather concerned in this and other matters about having to re-iterate instructions to keep to instructions.

2. Please convey the following message to Dulles:-

It is impossible for Australia to modify considered agreement for New Guinea, which has in substance been approved by Parliament. It represents attempt to institute Trusteeship System, and you have previously indicated general agreement with our approach.

Australia is entitled to expect support from United States and I am certain that the President, Byrnes, and Vandenberg would regard the addition to our draft of abstract clauses as quite unnecessary, and indeed intolerable in the case of a C Class Mandate. United States will no doubt expect Australian support in the case of Japanese C Class Mandates and we ask for similar support for New Guinea, which is consecrated by the sacrifices of Australians in two world wars. I would be glad if you could by- pass well-meaning theorists down the line, and put this view to the three leaders I have mentioned. Regards.

3. Please convey the following message to Berendsen from the Minister: We would greatly appreciate your active support of the Australian trusteeship draft. You will be aware of the difference between the C Class Mandate of New Guinea and the draft suitable for Western Samoa. Any modification of the Australian draft which has already been submitted to Parliament would be politically impossible. I should be glad of all your help. Personal regards.


1 Document 236.


[AA:A1838/1, 306/1/4]