Evatt to Makin

Cablegram United Nations 289 NEW YORK, 18 July 1946, 8.10 p.m.


ESC33. Health Conference. [1]

1. Australia was to-day elected a member of the Interim Commission of eighteen countries who are to prepare for the first Assembly of the World Health Organisation and perform other planning functions described in earlier telegrams. [2] .2 2. Other members are United Kingdom, France, Netherlands, Norway, U.S.S.R., Yugoslavia, Egypt, India, China, Peru, Brazil, Venezuela, Canada, United States, Liberia, Mexico, Ukraine.

3. Tange will represent Australia at the first meeting of the Commission to-morrow. He will advise you later of the programme for future meetings.

4. The interim arrangements agreement provides that members will appoint to the Commission a person technically qualified in the field of health. It is essential that such a representative be provided by Australia for future meetings. [3]


1 The International Health Conference was held in New York from 19 June to 22 July.

2 The chief tasks of the Interim Commission were: detailed preparation for the first assembly of W.H.O. and for assumption of certain functions of UNRRA and of the Office International d’Hygiene Publique in Paris; arrangements for co-operation with other organisations concerned with health, and for a draft agreement with the United Nations; and consideration of urgent health problems.

3 Dr G. M. Redshaw, Senior Medical Officer, Central Administration, Health Dept, was appointed Australian representative.


[AA:A1067, ER46/3/10]