Evatt to Hasluck

Cablegram 1 SINGAPORE, 28 August 1946, 10.48 a.m.


Your 497 [1], following from Minister.

I agree with your general view and would ask you to stress most firmly unjustified intrusion [2] premature intrusion, upon jurisdiction of the Assembly of the Security Council which should be at the disposal of the Assembly before any recommendation is made to the Assembly.

2. The United States move is extremely adolescent, considering the serious duty devolving in relation to each separate application.

3. You should denounce the dangerous threat of veto implied.

4. United States proposal is a breach of the duty of the Security Council to examine each case on its merits separately.

5. Please telegraph Canberra this [3] list of applicants.


1 Hasluck had reported that, in light of Evatt’s condemnation of bargaining, the Australian delegation would not support an attempt by the United States to have all membership applicants accepted en bloc in the Security Council, and requested instructions whether this opposition was to be made public. See also Document 92.

2 A sign here indicates ‘mutilated’.

3 Presumably ‘this’ should have read ‘full’.


[AA:A1838 T189, 854/10/14, i]