Ballard to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram 199 BATAVIA, 27 June 1947


Press and radio reports received from Djokjakarta today announce that Sjahrir has tendered his resignation following resolution of left wing parties (including his own socialist party) disagreeing with his recent compromises.

Information so far is meagre and unconfirmed but position appears to be that Soekarno has assumed pleins pouvoirs under the constitution and that Sjahrir will continue to advise him.

Special messenger bearing reply to aide-memoire [1] contained in my telegram 195 [2] (which appears to have precipitated the crisis) is expected late this afternoon.


1 On 23 June, Van Mook handed Sjahrir an aide-memoire which reaffirmed the proposals of the Commission-General of 27 May (see Document 71, note 3), expressed disappointment at the Indonesian reply of 7 June (see Document so and note 1 thereto), and called for full acceptance of the Dutch position. Van Mook added orally that confirmation of the Republic’s acceptance was required by 27 June.

2 Dispatched on 24 June.

