Ballard to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram 204 BATAVIA, 30 June 1947


Schermerhorn most confidentially confirmed to United Kingdom Consul-General yesterday that the threat of war has been averted for the present but that it would be foolish to imagine that the crisis is over.

United States Consul-General has communicated to Indonesian Government an aide-memoire dated 28 June urging them to co-operate without delay in immediate formation of interim government. This will probably be a contributory factor in keeping the door open.

Text follows in my immediate following telegram. [1]

Report from Djokjakarta states that working committee of KNIP ratified Soekarno’s decree whereby he assumed all government powers, and also the formation of a presidential cabinet.


1 Not printed. See Department of State, Foreign Relations of the United States, 1947, vol. VI, Washington, 1972, pp-959-60.


[AA:A4355/2, 7/1/6/1]