Gilchrist to Burton

Minute CANBERRA, 21 July 1947


Shortwave, Melbourne [1], rang at 10.50 this morning as follows:

Monitored from B.B.C.

The Dutch at midnight occupied all public buildings in Batavia and met no opposition. This was preceded by a Dutch announcement that the Dutch were resuming their freedom of action in Indonesia and that they would take measures to deal with ‘an intolerable situation’.

Dr. Beel broadcast a review of the historical development of the situation.

Van Mook also broadcast that the Dutch Government no longer considered itself bound by the Linggardjati Agreement nor by the truce.

The Foreign Office announced that British Government was always ready to place its good offices at the disposal of both Dutch and Indonesians and this offer to both parties was renewed. This action had been taken after full consultation with United States Government. [2]

From Graham Jenkins (Reuters and Argus correspondent) Dr. Gani and other Indonesian leaders have been arrested in Batavia. From Indonesian Radio 10 a.m. this morning Indonesian announcement that Dutch planes had appeared over Djokjakarta earlier this morning and circled the town at a low level. ‘This provocative demonstration did not produce any Indonesian reaction.’ Referring to the ‘alleged outbreak of hostilities’ Indonesian Radio said that Dutch military circles were apparently looking for a pretext for military campaign. ‘The Indonesians will fight only if forced to defend their freedom.’


1 Overseas radio broadcasts were monitored by the ‘Listening Post’, pan of the Shortwave Division of the Department of Information.

2 In a statement issued by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs later on at July, the Netherlands Government thanked the United States and United Kingdom Governments for the help they had offered and took note of the United Kingdom’s offer of good offices, adding that it would depend on developments whether, and if so when, it would be considered opportune to make an appeal to the United States and the United Kingdom.


[AA:A1068/1, P147/1/1/7, i]