Department of External Affairs to Australian Delegation, United Nations

Cablegram 410 CANBERRA, 31 July 1947, 11.20 a.m.


Our immediately preced[ing] telegram. [1] Indonesia.

Your speech might also include reference to the following:-

1. Include in opening words: ‘A duty is placed upon Security Council by Article 39 of the Charter to determine the existence of a breach of the peace. The Australian Government is not called upon to justify the bringing of this matter to the attention of the Council, since it is the duty of the Council itself to make a determination. I therefore submit that the Council should:-

(a) determine the existence of a breach of the peace;

(b) call upon the parties to comply with provisional measures to prevent an aggravation of the situation, namely to cease hostilities immediately and withdraw their troops;

(c) recommend under Article 39 that the parties should seek a solution by the method upon which they have already agreed.’ 2. Include in ‘Jurisdiction’ argument: ‘The Indonesian Republic has a sufficient de facto standing to enable the Security Council to find that international peace has been broken. There is an armed conflict between recognised political entities. The Security Council should take cognisance of the substance and reality of what is taking place. The fact that the present conflict may, if allowed to continue, result in a much wider and more serious international conflict involving other nations should also be borne in mind. To that extent, it may well amount to a further threat to Peace.’


1 Document 200.


[AA:A1838/274, 854/10/4, i]