Cablegram Hag 150 THE HAGUE, 30 August 1947, 1.30 p.m.
Reference to our 148. [1]
Netherlands Government has accepted two resolutions of the Security Council on the understanding that the Republicans cease all hostile action in word and deed. Government maintains the standpoint that the Council is not competent to deal with the situation in Indonesia and that Holland is ultimately responsible for law and order in Indonesia.
2. Van Mook’s visit to the Netherlands Government [2] may yet cause a Cabinet crisis as I doubt whether Labour Members of the Government will be prepared to be a party to further police action even if Van Mook insists on this and he is supported by the Right Wing of the Government.
1 Sent via London, cablegram 148 was not received by the Department of External Affairs until 2 September. It reported, inter alia, that with the exception of ‘conservatives and militarists’, Dutch opinion had accepted the Security Council’s decisions of 25 August so that the danger of renewed ‘police action’ had receded.
2 Van Mook left Batavia on 31 August.
[AA:A1838/283, 403/3/1/1, ix]