Shedden to Dedman

Submission MELBOURNE, 3 September 1947


The following is a copy of a message received from the Department of External Affairs, relative to the attachment of four Australian Military officers to the staff of the Australian Consul at Batavia, to observe the ‘cease fire’ order:-

‘As you know, Consuls at Batavia have been asked by Security Council to observe the ‘cease fire’ order. They have now met together and decided their procedures and have recommended to their Governments the attachment of Military officers to their staffs as observers. [1] The Australian quota is four. Glad of your immediate advice as matter is urgent and observers should be despatched within a few days. We would suggest at least one officer from each of the Services, and will want the opportunity, before they leave, to give the background information.’

2. The matter has been discussed with the Chiefs of Staff, who state that if the Government desires, they will provide the four officers required for this duty. In view of the above advice from External Affairs, there can be no question about Australia’s participation in this matter in the manner proposed.

3. Approval is sought therefore to the attachment of four Australian officers to the staff of the Australian Consul at Batavia for this purpose. If you concur, the Department of External Affairs and the Chiefs of Staff will be advised accordingly. [2] In view of urgency, the latter will be requested to inform their respective Service Ministers


1 See Document 309.

2 Dedman agreed on 3 September.


[AA:A816/1, 9/305/135]