Australian Delegation, United Nations, to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram UN863 NEW YORK, 13 September 1947, 1.57 p.m.


Security 487. Indonesia.

1. Minister has had preliminary talk with Langenhove, the permanent Belgian representative to United Nations, regarding the designation of the third country for the Security Council arbitration committee on Indonesia.

2. Langenhove said his Government favoured the United States. The Minister indicated we preferred United Kingdom on the grounds of their experience and the fact that they have in Killearn a skilled negotiator who was successful in arranging the Linggadjati Agreement. Langenhove was noticeably cool to mention of Killearn.

3. Minister asked whether United States would act if invited.

Langenhove said that he did not know. We said our information was that United States did not wish to be designated but that we did not know United Kingdom views.

4. We agreed to keep in touch and to ascertain definitely whether United States and United Kingdom would act. Minister expects to complete negotiations with Spaak who arrives in New York on Monday.



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