Australian Delegation, United Nations, to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram UN958 NEW YORK, 8 October 1947, 9.59 p.m.


Security 501. Committee of Three, Indonesia.

1. Informal meeting was held this morning at office of Secretary- General between Van Zeeland, Graham and Minister.

2. It was unanimously agreed that the two members should proceed first available air reservations along with secretariat group direct to Sydney where they would meet Kirby and hold first . . .

organisational meeting.

3. There was general agreement that at this first meeting Commission would decide the places to visit and from which to operate. Minister suggested Singapore as first choice for headquarters with Manila as alternative. Van Zeeland thought Batavia should be first place visited before Sydney accepted.

4. A staff proposed by Secretary-General was one secretary of high rank and experience, 2 female stenographer-archivists, one assistant-secretary also to act as administrative officer, one interpreter with knowledge of [Malay] [1] and Dutch.

5. Also agreed each Government would pay its own representative and any personal staff accompanying him. In this latter respect was understood that secretariat group would do all accounting payments and general secretarial duties.

6. You will be advised immediately flight information and composition of full party known.

7. Minister suggests Committee use his office as venue for first meeting.


1 The text reads ‘Manila’.


[AA:A1838/274, 854/10/4/2, i]