Eaton to Burton BATAVIA, 11 October 1947, 3 p.m. Received 11 October 1947, 11 p.m.

Cablegram 360,


Following conclusions of joint report being despatched to Secretary-General, Security Council today. [1]


_by the Dutch or the Indonesians that the other side would carry them out, and no attempt was made by either side to come to an agreement with the other about the means of giving effect to the order.

2. While the Republic Government ordered their troops to remain in this position and to cease hostilities, the N.E.I. Government considered it incumbent on them to proceed with restoration of law and order within the limits of the lines laid down by them.

3. The rapid Dutch advance by-passed considerable Republic forces which remained in their positions in accordance with the Republican cease fire order, where they are subject to mopping up operation under Dutch command in accordance with the Dutch interpretation of the order. The Republic Government directed their forces to defend themselves and to oppose movements within Dutch held territory. The different interpretation of the cease fire order by each side thus made it impossible for the order to be observed.

4. Apart from actions involving regular forces, a considerable amount of banditry, including murder, arson and looting, is still being carried on to some extent by irregular bands.

5. The population suffered considerably even before police action from banditry and scorched earth policy. This was intensified during and after police action. The Chinese were a special target.

6. Administration and foodstuffs are proceeding under emergency conditions in both Dutch and Republic held territory. In the former there is considerable fear of banditry in the meantime and Republic[an] reprisal in future. In the latter there are widespread strikes owing to the cessation of normal import and export trade. In the Republic areas the food situation in most districts is good at present but may deteriorate in a few months time.

7. The influential class of Indonesians who number not more than 5% of the population are practically all Nationalist and seek some form of independence, though not necessarily supporting the present Republic. There is little hatred of the Dutch as individuals though their assistance in running the country is recognised as essential. Ends.

Part 2.

I am departing for Dili this afternoon October 11th [2] with Moore who has copy of report and instructions to telephone you or Senior Officer from Darwin on Sunday afternoon concerning signing of report and movement of aircraft.

[AA:A1838/283, 403/3/1/1, xi]

1 The full report was still to be formally approved by members of the Consular Commission.

2 The Department of External Affairs had agreed on 10 October to allow Eaton to fly to Dili for personal reasons. Eaton’s Dakota aircraft would then carry Moore, Dyke and Campbell on to Darwin before returning to fly Eaton back to Batavia. Chesterman remained in Batavia.


[1.] Cease fire orders were duly given but there was no confidence