Critchley to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram K29 BATAVIA, 25 December 1947, 4.20 p.m.


Annex 1. [1]

Plan for Implementation of Truce.

Committee recommends- (1) That a stand fast and cease fire order be issued separately and simultaneously by both parties. This order will apply to the troops of both parties along the ‘Van Mook Line’ and in areas specified in the following paragraph.

(2) That in the first instance and for the time being demilitarized zones be established in general conformity with the Van Mook Line; these zones as a rule will comprise territories between the Van Mook Line and on the one side the line of the Dutch forward positions and on the other side the line of Republican forward positions, average width of each of the zones being approximately the same. The Committee has not at this time sufficient data for it to determine where the demilitarized zones should be drawn in relation to West Java. For this reason the Committee reserves its attitude regarding delineation of such zones until its advisers have had opportunity to make enquiries in the areas concerned. In these areas a stand fast and cease fire will apply to the troops of both parties in their present positions. The Committee will if so required instruct its military advisers to make appropriate enquiries as soon as the truce plan is agreed upon.

(3) That the establishment of demilitarized zones in no way prejudices the rights, claims or position of the parties under the resolutions of the Security Council of 1st August, 25th August, 26th August and 1st November.

(4) That upon the acceptance of the foregoing by both parties the Committee will place at the disposal of both parties its Military Advisers who will be instructed to assume in the first instance responsibility for determining whether any incident requires enquiry by higher authorities of either or both of the parties.

(5) That pending a political settlement responsibility for the maintenance of law and order and security of life and property in demilitarized zones will remain vested in the civil police forces of the respective parties. The Committee’s Military Advisers will be available to advise the appropriate authorities of the parties and to serve in such other proper capacities as may be requested.

Among others they should- (a) Call upon pools of police officers of both sides to be accompanied and helped in their endeavours and moves all over the two demilitarized zones.

(b) Promote cooperation between the two police forces.

(6) That trade and intercourse between all areas should be permitted as far as possible; such restrictions as may be necessary will be agreed upon by the parties with the assistance of the Committee and its representatives if required.

(7) That this agreement shall include all points already agreed to in principle by the parties.

(8) That on acceptance of the foregoing the Committee’s Military Advisers accompanied by representatives of the two parties will immediately conduct enquiries to establish whether elements of Republican forces continue to offer resistance behind the present forward positions of the Netherlands forces. If enquiry establishes the existence of such forces these would withdraw as set out in the following paragraph.

(9) That all forces of each party in any area accepted as a demilitarized zone or in any area on the other party’s side of a demilitarized zone, with the exception given in paragraph 2 will, under the observation of Military Advisers of the Committee and with arms and war-like equipment move peacefully to territory on the party’s own side of the demilitarized zones.


1 See Document 488.


[AA:A1838/283, 403/3/1/1, xiv]