Department of External Affairs to Ballard and Forsyth

Cablegram 103 CANBERRA, 10 May 1947


Reference our 46. [1]

1. It is reported that Roach, Waterside Workers Federation, is leaving Australia on 10th May for Indonesian Trade Union Congress.

[2] Also reported Thornton leaving.

2. You must appreciate possibility that, for his own purposes, Roach may do his utmost either to have ban lifted in Australia as result of his intervention or prevent ban being lifted regardless of negotiations you are at present engaged on.

3. Sjahrir cannot be expected to understand motives of Roach, but whether or not our fears of his activity are justified, you should emphasise necessity of Sjahrir’s making, in due course, appropriate statement to effect that, (a) following upon negotiations, in which we took the initiative, arrangements have been made which he hopes will prove to be satisfactory;

(b) that he has complete confidence in the Australian Government’s acting in the best interests of all; and (c) that, therefore, he hopes that there will be no obstacle placed by Australians to the early commencement of trade between Indonesia and Australia.

4. Please state what progress you have made towards obtaining from Sjahrir a statement of this nature.


1 Document 19.

2 See Document 42, note 5.


[AA:A1383/278, 401/1/3/2, ii]