Evatt to Burton

Cablegram E63 NEW YORK, 15 November 1947, 12.50 a.m.


[matter omitted]

6. Your 102. I am making tremendous attempt to have Palestine finished in committee before Saturday 22nd instant when we are due to leave New York. Australia has not been suggested as one of the commission for Palestine administration and I entirely agree that we should not repeat NOT be included. In addition no question arises of any contribution by Australian nor any other country to military or political or any other force in Palestine. However for reasons which are apparent from previous telegrams it will be practicably impossible to refrain from voting on the plan as roll call vote will be called. We really have to choose between recommending a scheme of partition on the one hand and a complete Arabian unitary State on the other. The latter state puts 60,000 Jews at the mercy of the Arabs. One point which is frequently argued is that the partition scheme is linked up with the plan of economic unity because customs, currency and intercommunications and sharing of revenue will be controlled by the common representative of the two States and the United Nations. This may well be a nucleus of a future federation between the two States.

Canada, New Zealand and South Africa will almost certainly favour partition although it may well fail to get two thirds majority vote. Majority of United Nations Commission recommended this and we consistently stuck to the practice of accepting clear majority reports after a thorough investigation by a competent commission of the merits of the case whether made under the auspices of the Security Council or the Assembly.

7. The fact is that today there are two small nations in the Palestine area and for the time being they cannot live or co- operate together under one Government.

8. Estimated date of return is still December 8th.



[AA : A9420/1, 1]