Burton to McIntosh

Letter CANBERRA, 23 June 1947


I have been meaning to write re Denfeld and Manus-and now attach two telegrams, one from the United Kingdom and our reply. [1] These, I think, together with announcement made on his departure (copy attached) are as much as there is to it.

The man was only here for three days-and that during a week-end.

Discussions were informal and lasted only a few hours. It was clear United States have no intention to spend money south of their new possessions, but it is equally clear Denfeld has a service interest in the whole area. Hence, no interest in Manus, but considerable interest in staff talks and staff consultation.

This is not unacceptable to us. No other bases were discussed at any stage.


1 Presumably cablegram 123, dated 17 June, requesting information on progress of discussions between Australia and the United States on Manus, and Document 205.


[AA : A1838, 371/3/1]