Evatt to Burton

Cablegram unnumbered SAN FRANCISCO, 29 November 1947, 3.36 p.m.


Reference your E.126.

1. E.112 Pacific bases. Plimsoll has been directed to stay on and take up Far Eastern Commission work and have [1] semi-official conversations on Japanese treaty procedure. You should wire him to sound out the United States State Department on the present position over bases with which I am not fully acquainted. I still adhere to the view that nothing definite should be done until the peace treaty as it would give over emphasis to the defence aspect.

In any case the Prime Minister could discuss the matter with Fraser on his visit to New Zealand. I have a strong objection to any surrender of sovereignty or control in South Pacific unless at least Australia is party to arrangement and obtains rights which would not be less than territorial. Under the circumstances I should consult the Prime Minister on the matter, which should cause little delay. Plimsoll might be consulted on this too.

[matter omitted]


1 A sign here indicates ‘mutilated’.


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