Australian Government to Addison

Cablegram 154 CANBERRA, 26 June 1947, 4.10 p.m.


We have given consideration to the scope of the forthcoming conference in Canberra of British Commonwealth representatives.

With a view to full discussion and an approach to broad agreement on main policies we propose the following provisional Agenda:-

(1) Adoption provisional agenda.

(2) Participation in the Japanese settlement- (i) which countries are to participate in Japanese Peace conference;

(ii) Method of voting;

(iii) Proposed date, urgency of proceeding with Settlement;

(iv) Venue;

(v) Approaches to be made to the United States and other Governments regarding steps to be taken before the Peace Conference;

(vi) Whether single instrument or more.

(3) Machinery for securing achievement of Basic Objectives of Allied Powers:-

(A) Countries to be represented on supervisory commission;

(B) Means of reaching decisions;

(C) Method of provision for implementation of terms of Japanese peace treaty;

(D) Economic and military provisions.

(4) Disarmament and Demilitarisation.

(5) Territorial Provisions of Treaty, with special reference to disposal of strategic islands whose future has not been decided, to the possibility of establishing United Nations bases for prevention of Japanese military resurgence. (6) Political provisions of treaty aimed at constructive reform and democratisation of Japan.

(7) Reparations and standard of living of Japan in relation to other countries.

(8) Economic provisions designed to prevent resurgence of Japan as a threat to peace, while allowing her the means to sustain her economy up to agreed level.

(9) Exclusion of Japan from whaling industry.

(10) Opportunity should be taken to discuss other matters of interest to governments which will be represented at the conference.

(A) The title of British Commonwealth representatives in the United Kingdom and in the Dominions;

(B) The title and functions of the Dominions Office and any changes in offices in the Dominions Governments which might be desirable consequent upon the change in the title of the Dominions Office;

(C) Post-war use of Pacific bases, with special regard to implementation of discussions at Prime Ministers’ conference in 1946;

(D) Proposed Nauru Trusteeship Agreement.

(11) Other matters of common interest that any delegation may wish to include.



[AA: A1838, 539/4, i]