Eaton to Schuurman

Note BATAVIA, 22 May 1948

The Australian Consul-General presents his compliments and has the honour to inform the Head of the Far Eastern Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs that with the approval of the Netherlands East Indies authorities the Government of Australia proposes to send representatives of the Australian Department of External Affairs and the Department of Education to Indonesia to discuss the question of the provision of scholarships for Asiatic students (both through a purely Australian scheme and through a larger scheme regarded as coming within the U.N.E. S.C.O.). The number of scholarships for the time being is limited to four for the whole of Indonesia on account of present facilities in Australia. However, fuller particulars would be discussed with the Netherlands East Indies authorities by Mr. Macmahon Ball after his arrival.

It is also desired that members comprising the mission discuss the question of educational supplies which it is proposed that Australia should make available to certain countries as part of the U.N.E.S.C.O. reconstruction assistance as referred to in my note 2o/1/2 dated 5th January 1948 [1] and also to discuss the provision to Indonesia of approximately 160,000 worth of clothing etc. supplies under the post-U.N.R.R.A. [2] relief scheme.

Approval is requested that the mission may visit Republican- controlled territory before proceeding to other Asiatic countries from the Netherlands East Indies.

The members of the mission are as follows:-

W. Macmahon Ball, Esqre. Department of External Affairs D. McNichol, Esqre.

V.G. Harris, Esqre. Department of Education It is proposed that the mission arrives in Batavia on 29th May by a special Royal Australian Air Force aircraft manned by a crew of six and departs on 2nd June for Singapore.

The Australian Government would be most glad to know if the mission would be welcomed by the Netherlands East Indies authorities.


1 Not found.

2 The United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Agency ended its activities in Europe on 31 December 1946 and in Asia on 31 December 1947. Because many war-devastated countries still required relief after the termination of UNRRA’s services, some members of the United Nations, including Australia, tried to meet the general relief needs of such countries by means of bilateral grants.


[AA:A4357, 352, i]