Department of External Affairs to Ward

Cablegram 4 CANBERRA, 2 June 1948, 5.50 p.m.


Further to your 4.

We realise that procedural difficulty may arise in respect of admission of Indonesian Republic to associate membership, in that according to terms of reference of ECAFE a government in juridical position of Republic requires sponsorship of the Government [respon]sible for conduct of its Foreign Affairs, in this case Netherlands.

2. In order if possible to avoid protracted procedural argument, you might explore possibility of having Republican Government admitted to associate membership for this session only, which would only recognise existing situation without prejudice to changes which may take place if settlement is reached between Netherlands and Republican Government. It is even possible that Netherlands Government might be prepared to sponsor Republican membership on this condition.

3. On further consideration last four words of our 2 may be disregarded.



[AA:A1838, 403/2/3/8]