Schuurman to Eaton

Note BATAVIA, 8 June 1948

The Head of the Far Eastern Office presents his compliments to the Australian Consul General and, with reference to the latter’s note of 22nd May 1948 [1], regarding the visit of the Australian Goodwill and Relief Mission to the Netherlands Indies, has the honour to inform Mr. Eaton as follows.

During the discussions at the Far Eastern Office it was pointed out to Mr. Macmahon Ball, head of the Mission, that if it would be possible to offer to the Netherlands Indies scholarships for Asiatic students (both through a purely Australian scheme and through a larger scheme regarded as coming within the UNESCO), educational supplies (to be made available by Australia as part of UNESCO reconstruction assistance) and clothing and other supplies (under a post-UNRRA relief scheme), the provision of such facilities would be greatly valued by the Netherlands Indies Government. They could only be accepted, however, on the condition that their distribution would be effected through the intermediary of the Netherlands Indies Government which would see to it that all parts of Indonesia would receive a fair share of them. [2]

It would be appreciated if the foregoing could be brought to the attention of the Australian Government.


1 Document 140.

2 See Document 167.


[AA:A4357, 352, i]