Critchley to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram K176 BATAVIA, 20 October 1948


Your 286. De Ranitz was cautious in his opinions [1] explaining that his work was not connected with that of the Netherlands Delegation and that he had not been in Indonesia long enough to make a proper study of the situation.

2. He is not optimistic about the prospects of a settlement which he considers depends upon whether the Republic can accept the main principles contained in the amendments proposed by the Dutch to the Cochran plan (see my following telegram). [2] He does not expect any major concessions or changes in Dutch policy but points out that all decisions are now being taken at The Hague.

3. De Ranitz does not foresee an immediate or early police action but agrees that failure to reach a settlement would probably eventually lead to one.

4. In the event of refusal by the Republic to accept the main Netherlands proposals he assumes the Dutch would go ahead with the formation of an interim government without the Republic and that pressures would be maintained to bring in the Republic. He agreed that in these circumstances economic help would be necessary for Republican areas but stressed that the Republic would be required to change its policy of subversive activities against the Netherlands.


1 Critchley’s Cablegram K177, dispatched on 20 October, added: ‘De Ranitz was particularly anxious that his name not be mentioned lest it should get back to the Netherlands Government via the Minister at Canberra.’ 2 Cablegram K178 (Document 285).


[AA:A4357/2, 48/254, v]