Evatt to Chifley

Cablegram Austdel 179 PARIS, 6 November 1948, 8.55 p.m.


Your telegram E.90. [1] INDONESIA We are taking up urgently matters mentioned in your message and seeking information from Dutch and Indonesian sources as well as from United States and United Kingdom Representatives on the Security Council. I share your concern at apparent deterioration of situation and your conviction that further police action with consequent destruction of any hope of bringing parties together should be prevented at all costs. At same time United States Authorities seen here today claim that danger of police action by Dutch is now lessened. Truman’s victory [2] should be helpful and if situation changes Australia can certainly bring matter to immediate attention of Security Council which I believe will not tolerate renewal of force against Republic by Dutch.


1 Document 299.

2 Truman was elected President of the United States on 2 November 1948.


[AA:A1838, TS383/6/1, i]