Critchley to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram K189 BATAVIA, 11 November 1948


Stikker left Batavia this morning with a Republican Aide Memoire [1] which he will discuss with the Netherlands Cabinet at The Hague. He may return next week to continue negotiations. The following is a summary of the Aide Memoire which at Stikker’s request is being kept confidential and will not for the time being be given to the Federalists or the Committee of Good Offices:-

1. Whereas both parties are agreed in principle to resuming negotiations on the basis of the Cochran plan [2] under the auspices of the Committee of Good Offices, the Republican Government hopes that the following expose of its views will contribute to reduce the time necessary to conclude a political agreement.

2. Constitutional developments in the interim period.

(a) The Republican Government is prepared to co-operate towards formation of a Federal Interim Government for the whole of Indonesia on December 1st, 1948.

(b) This Federal Government shall consist of a Council of Ministers, under a Prime Minister; a Provisional Representative Body; and a Federal Council.

(c) The Council of Ministers shall consist of Indonesian citizens appointed by mutual agreement between the High Representative of the Crown and the representatives of the Federalists on the one hand and the Republican Government on the other. Ministers must be able, authoritative and socially known throughout Indonesia.

(d) Component areas and the Republic shall appoint representatives to the Provisional Representative Body on a basis of proportional representation.

(e) Elections to the Constituent Assembly shall take place six months after the institution of the F.I.G. unless the F.I.G. after consultation with the High Representative of the Crown decides on a later date. The Constituent Assembly would act as the Provisional Parliament and a new Government would be formed.

(f) With the concurrence of the Federal Interim Government the High Representative of the Crown would appoint representatives of the minorities to the Constituent Assembly.

(g) The Federal Council may consist of one delegate from each component area and representatives of the Republic to a number equal to half of the number of other Delegates. Agreement of the Council shall be necessary on matters affecting the relationships of component areas with one another and with the Federal authority.

(h) Subject to other provisions the Federal Interim Government shall have all power now vested in the Netherlands legislature, the Crown and the Governor-General insofar as these competencies have not been transferred to or retained by the component areas.

(i) The High Representative of the Crown shall have powers for emergency and the right of veto, in certain cases to be specified later.

The Government of the Republic appeals for the co-operation of the Netherlands Government to establish the U.S.I. before or on the 1st December, 1949, the establishment only to be postponed if it becomes impracticable to carry out the necessary arrangements for the organization of the U.S.I. and the Union.

(k) The Republican Government recognizes the Crown as Supreme authority for foreign relations in the interim period. Existing Republican representations abroad shall be incorporated in the representation of the Federal Interim Government which will form an autonomous Indonesian foreign service as a special part of the foreign representation of the Kingdom.

(l) In the main, the Republican Government subscribes to the Cochran plan as regards the Union, and also as regards the military and the financial-economic matters.

3. Military organization in the interim period.

(a) The Federal Armed Forces shall be created by the F.I.G. in concurrence with the H.R.C. The incorporation of the T.N.I. and other units to be based on directives of the F.I.G. in consultation with the Republican Government. Elements of the Republican armed forces can be transferred to the special police or given alternative employment.

(b) Troops should be withdrawn from either side of the Status Quo Line.

(c) The H.R.C. to control Netherlands armed forces and the F.I.G.

to control federal armed forces. In emergency, when Netherlands armed forces are being called on, supreme command over all the armed forces shall be vested in the H.R.C.

(d) The Republican Government is prepared to continue disbanding and disarming irregular armed forces in Republican territory.

4. Security in the Interim Period.

(a) Republican Government is prepared to give full co-operation for the complete restoration of law and order throughout Indonesia within the shortest space of time.

(b) Where the maintenance of law and order does not appear possible with the normal organs of authority, the H.R.C. may declare a ‘state of insecurity’. Netherlands forces may then be used as far as necessary to restore law and order.

(c) A state of insecurity shall not be declared over any part of Republican territory within a period of one month after the institution of the F.I.G. in regard to Java and of two months in regard to Sumatra except with the consent of the Republican Government.

(d) The Prime Minister of the Republic shall (i) Call on all unit commanders in a radio speech to take measures to prevent violations of the truce and inter alia infringements.

(ii) Instruct reliable officers to proceed to the Status Quo Line to guard personally against truce infiltrations.

(iii) Draw attention through press and radio to the existing army order which makes truce violations liable to disciplinary action.

It is clear that in an effort to have negotiations resumed the Republic has made very considerable concessions. I doubt whether these concessions, particularly supreme Netherlands control of the Army and security during the interim period will have the support of the Republican people. There are therefore possibilities that if negotiations are resumed the Dutch may find opportunities to accuse the Republic of bad faith and that revolts will break out in the Republic.


1 The full text of this ‘Aide-Memoire dated to November in Connexion with the Discussions at Kaliurang from 4 to 9 November’ is given in United Nations, Security Council Official Records, Third Year, Supplement for December, PP.133-7.

2 See Documents 237 and 238.


[AA:A4357/2, 48/254, v]