Officer to Department of External Affairs

THE HAGUE, 9 January 1948 Cablegram Hag 5


My telegram No. 230/47. [1]

I discussed situation with Minister for Foreign Affairs last night and urged views in your telegram No. 166. [2] Boetzelaer emphasised that their policy was not to crush Republic but to bring it into the Federation. He believed the Republic were inclined to this course but there might first be changes in its government. He promised me details of the Federation proposals.

2. What are Kirby’s and Eaton’s views re situation which is not clear from here.


1 Dispatched on 31 December, it reported an article in the Dutch newspaper Parool on the dangers of what it described as Van Mook’s policy of ‘Balkanisation’ in Indonesia. The cablegram also reported the concern of the Dutch authorities that Beel had succumbed to the Mook policy.

2 A repetition to Officer of Document 487, Volume XI.


[AA:A8108/2, 280/1/48, i]