Department of External Affairs to Embassy in Washington

Cablegram 699 CANBERRA, 23 December 1949, 4.30 p.m.


Your 1227 (FEC 148). [1]

Minister agrees that you abstain from voting on proposal[s], stating at the same time that Australia’s views have already been expressed. You should also endeavour to have clause inserted in line with your paragraph 3. [2]


1 Document 356.

2 An Australian amendment to proposals in paragraph 2 of Document 356 was put forward on 5 January 1950 and subsequently adopted. It read: ‘Before leaving Japan, Japanese agents appointed in accordance with the provisions of this policy decision, should be instructed to refrain from engaging in propaganda or subversive activities of any kind. ‘Australia abstained from voting on the two proposals when they came before the Commission 12 January 1950. Both were vetoed by the Soviet Union. The matter of Japanese participation in technical agreements and conferences (see Document 353 and note 2 thereto) was never brought to a vote in the Commission. However, Japanese participation was authorized by the US Government when it issued a. interim directive to MacArthur on 21 February 1950 in the terms of note 2 to Document 353 and including the Australian amendment quoted above.


[AA:A1838, 250/8/8]