Evatt to Chifley

Cablegram Special El 7 (extract) LONDON, 14 October [1948], 8 p.m.


5. Representatives of Eire have telegraphed Attlee asking to meet representatives of British Commonwealth. They are anxious to preserve their rights in the event of repeal of External Relations Act. [1] I suspect true object is to remain in the British Commonwealth if they can do this without loss of face on their part. Equally it would be to advantage of all other members of the British Commonwealth if they could remain in the group by sufficient recognition of the King. Prospects of success are by no means great but Fraser and [Canada] [2] are anxious to explore every avenue and I am taking same attitude as I know you would in the circumstances.


1 Repeal of this Irish act would sever Ireland’s formal connection with the British Commonwealth and make the Irish foreign to it. In the event, various Commonwealth states declared Ireland to be a special case.

2 ‘Canada’ inserted by hand.


[AA: A9420, 5]