McIntosh to New Zealand High Commission in Canberra

Memorandum CANBERRA, 2 February 1949


Many thanks for your memorandum of 24 January and earlier memoranda enclosing copies of Australian telegrams, which have been invaluable to us in following developments in the Indonesian situation. [1]

For the unfortunate misunderstanding concerning the opening date of the Delhi conference, this Department must, unhappily, take full responsibility. The misunderstanding arose through failure on our part to check the accuracy of press reports and it was merely an additional misfortune that information did not reach us from any quarter which would have drawn our attention in time to our erroneous assumption. We certainly do not feel that either you or your Australian counterparts bear any measure of responsibility, and in fact are extremely grateful for the excellent co-operation which we have enjoyed on the Indonesian question.


1 Not found.


[AA : A1838, 383/1/25]