De Ranitz to Pritchett

Letter BATAVIA, 7 February 1949

With reference to your letter of January 20th No. 20/1/2 [1] and to conversations between yourself and Jhr. de Ranitz concerning the supply of post-UNRRA relief goods from Australia to Indonesia I have the honour to provide the following information.

(1) The bar on the import of textiles of a colour resembling that of military and/or police uniforms will not be lifted for at least 2 months. It is therefore suggested that the Government of Indonesia provide textiles in similar quantities but of a neutral colour in exchange [for] the khaki and blue textiles.

(2) Regarding the supervision by an official from the Australian military observers team of the distribution of the goods in the formerly Republican-controlled areas I have to inform you that this supervision is not acceptable to the Government of Indonesia as the Australian military observers have been assigned to a special function within the framework of the resolution [2] of the Security Council of the United Nations and do not occupy themselves with other duties in this country. The Government of Indonesia therefore suggests that, should the Government of the Commonwealth deem it necessary to have the distribution supervised, such supervision should be effectuated through the intermediary of the International Red Cross in cooperation with the Netherlands Red Cross, section Indonesia.

I would greatly appreciate your advice as to this suggestion and avail myself of this opportunity to renew to you, Sir, the assurance of my high consideration.


1 Document 122.

2 Document 168.


[AA : A4357/2, 352/2, i]