High Commission in New Delhi to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram 213 NEW DELHI, 22 March 1949, 3.50 p.m.


Your telegram No. 133. [1] The Indian Government understand from Maramis here, and Palar in New York that the Dutch have deprived Jogjakarta of its physical administrative facilities. In these circumstances, Bajpai has accepted the view of these two representatives that there should be a preliminary discussion between the Indonesians and the Dutch in Indonesia which would aim to restore Jogjakarta in a specified but limited time.

2. In Bajpai’s view, the resolution [2] [2] of 28th January must not be impaired in any way. The Indian Government are adopting the line that before the question of convening a conference anywhere can be considered, the Indonesian Government must be restored to a position where, under the auspices of the United Nations Commission, they can negotiate with the Dutch as equals. If that position is achieved, the Indian Government will not be concerned whether the conference is held at The Hague or elsewhere.

3. Bajpai also said he is anxious to avoid any developments inside the Security Council which might lead to a watering down of the resolution of 28th January.


1 Dispatched on 21 March, it conveyed the text of Document 304.

2 Figure in square brackets inserted from a copy on file AA :

A5009/2, A7/3/13, iii. For the text of the UN Security Council’s resolution of 28 January see Document 168.


[AA : A1838, 403/3/1/1, xxi]