Department of External Affairs to Australian Delegation, United Nations

Cablegram 178 CANBERRA, 6 April 1949, 6.05 p.m.


Republic and Netherlands have accepted United Nations Commission’s invitation to discussions in Batavia, subject to certain conditions. [1]

Republic (Roem) would ‘only be able to discuss initially practical details of restoration of Republican Government at Djokjakarta’.

This initial limitation necessary to avoid misunderstandings among Republican leaders and Indonesian population. Drew attention to fact that authority transferred to emergency Government in Sumatra, to paragraph 2 of Commission’s report [2] on 1st March and to statements during recent Security Council debates that restoration of Republican Government at Djokjakarta free to take decisions uncoerced is prerequisite for any fruitful negotiations.

Hoped Netherlands would agree to restoration ‘so that Republican Government can take at Djokjakarta, upon the basis of ascertained wishes of its people, essential decisions regarding Security Council resolution [3] of 28th January and Directive [4] of 23rd March’.

Netherlands letter of acceptance stressed Netherlands understanding ‘that discussions will be held without prejudicing the rights, claims and positions of the parties. Consequently they will not prejudge the responsibility of the Netherlands for freedom and order in Indonesia-which responsibility has also determined the Netherlands attitude towards resolution of Security Council of January 28th’.


1 See Document 333 and 334.

2 See note 1 to Document 265.

3 Document 168.

4 See Document 312.


[AA : A1838, 854/10/4/3, iv]