Hatta to Pritchett

Letter BANGKA, 6 May 1949

I have the honour to refer to the current discussions in Djakarta under the auspices of the United Nations Commission for Indonesia.

As you know, one of the important subjects under consideration is the restoration of the Republican Government to Jogjakarta which, we are hopeful, will be agreed upon very shortly. In the special circumstances which exist in Indonesia, the restoration and the functioning of the Republican administration will involve many financial and administrative problems which will certainly tax the capacity of the Republic’s technical personnel. In the circumstances I am hoping that you will be good enough to approach your Government to inquire whether they could see their way clear to make available on loan to the Republican Government an experienced officer to assist and advise on economic problems.

I should like to take the opportunity to ask you to extend my personal thanks to the Australian Government for the assistance which it has so impartially and generously afforded to the Republican Government to date. We are extremely grateful to have available to us a portion of the medical and other supplies which have recently arrived in Indonesia under the post-UNRRA relief scheme. You may assure your Government that the best possible use will be made of these supplies.

Please accept, Sir, the assurance of my high consideration.



[AA : A1838, 403/2/3/2, iv]