Critchley to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram K321 BATAVIA, 23 June 1949, 12.10 a.m.


The Republican Delegation ascertained on 20th June that the leaders on Bangka were willing to accept the compromise proposals set out in paragraph 3 of my telegram K.319. [1] After intensive informal negotiations over the past two days to finalise details, the formal meeting referred to in K.319 was held this afternoon, 22nd June. In addition to the two Delegations and the Commission, it was attended by four members of the B.F.O. representing the non-Republican areas. The Sumatran B.F.O. representatives did not attend.

2. The procedure at the meeting followed that outlined in K.319.

The following are summaries and extracts of the official statements at the meeting.

(a) Van Royen. ‘The Joint Committee, entrusted with the task of making the necessary investigations and preparations incidental to the return of the Republican Government to Djokjakarta, has practically completed the preliminary part of its work. It will give its continuing attention to certain questions of supply and other measures of a technical nature. The progress reports of the Joint Committee will be definitely approved by my delegation as soon as we receive the necessary clearance from the Netherlands Government.

The preparations for the return of the Republican Government to Djokjakarta have thus proceeded to such an extent that the Netherlands Government will order its troops to start the evacuation of the Residency of Djokjakarta on 24th June. If this evacuation encounters no hindrance, the Republican Government will be able to return to Djokjakarta on or about 1st July, 1949. With regard to the cessation of hostilities and co-operation in the restoration of peace and in the maintenance of law and order, an agreement has been reached between the Netherlands and the Republican Delegations, with which the B.F.O. concurs. I am authorised to state that the Netherlands Delegation subscribe to this agreement with the proviso that both parties reserve the right to propose amendments with regard to lesser details- The Netherlands Delegation is authorised further to state that the Netherlands Government approves the agreement reached between the delegations of the Netherlands, the Republic of Indonesia, and the B.F.O. concerning the time and conditions for holding of the Round Table Conference at The Hague. I present herewith, for formalisation, the document incorporating this agreement.

With regard to the fact that the subject of New Guinea is being mentioned under items to be discussed at the R.T.C., I wish, in view of the attitude of the Republican Delegation and that of representatives of other areas with regard to that point, to state that putting this item on the agenda in no way prejudices the position to be taken on that subject by any of the participants.

The Netherlands Government on its part, fully maintains its attitude on that point.’ (b) Roem expressed satisfaction that the Republican Government could now be restored by 1st July and he understands the final details would be formalised without delay. He continued: ‘In regard to the argeement reached concerning the cessation of hostilities and the time and conditions for the holding of the R.T.C., I am able to declare that these constitute points of the policy to be urged upon the Government of the Republic of Indonesia after its restoration in Djokjakarta, in accordance with my statement of 7th May, 1949. However, with regard to the items in sub-paragraph 7(e) [2] of the R.T.C. document, we can only approve to have the items included on the agenda of the R.T.C. on condition that it is fully understood that we consider that the territory of New Guinea should be part of the U.S.I.

Further, I should like to remark that, as far as the agreement regarding the cessation of hostilities is concerned, as was stated by Van Royen, the parties will still have the opportunity to make amendments on the lesser points; while later in Djokjakarta when there will be an opportunity to consult the military experts of the T.N.I., the technical details-in this case, the military definitions and the rules to provide for the implementation of the principles reached-will be discussed and determined.’ (c) Hamid, on behalf of the members of the B.F.O., representing areas in Indonesia other than the Republic:

(1) Concurred with the measures to be taken to cease hostilities.

(2) Endorsed the agreement on the terms and conditions for the R.T.C.

(3) Took the same viewpoint as Roem on New Guinea.

Following the meeting, a Press release was issued: the terms of which were arrived at only after protracted and difficult negotiation. This made guarded reference to a ‘meeting of participants’ on proposals for a cessation of hostilities and for the time and conditions for the R.T.C. The document incorporating the latter was published (see K. 320).

[matter omitted]


1 Document 444.

2 See Document 445.


[AA : A1838, 854/10/4/3, v]