Critchley to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram C22 THE HAGUE, 10 October 1949, 6.30 a.m.


The Military Affairs Committee has reported that so far agreement has been reached on the following points:-

1. Discussions concerning the implementation of the ‘Cease- Hostilities Order’ do not belong to the task of the Committee;

2. After the transfer of sovereignty the responsibility for the internal security and external defence of Indonesia rests with the Sovereign Government of the Republic Indonesia Serikat;

3. After the transfer of sovereignty the Netherlands Fighting Forces are withdrawn from Indonesia. Pending their being shipped they shall not be used operationally other than in so far as this is requested by the Sovereign Government of the R.I.S. and it has the approval of the Netherlands Government.

4. During the withdrawal of the Netherlands fighting forces the Netherlands and Indonesian Authorities concerned shall in mutual co-operation promote that the military territorial responsibility be transferred in an orderly manner.

5. Members of the fighting forces who are present in Indonesia at the moment of the transfer of sovereignty and have been organised and equipped by or under the authority of the Netherlands Indonesian Government and as such do not belong to the fighting forces referred to under 3 shall in accordance with rules to be made be taken into the fighting forces of the R.I.S.

6. In principle at a possible request from the Government of the R.I.S. a Netherlands Military Mission can be sent by the Netherlands Government to Indonesia which Mission is to include experts in the military-technical field who can give assistance in the building up of the fighting forces of the R.I.S.

7. After the Round Table Conference a joint committee shall be instituted which committee shall supervise the implementation of the decisions taken at the R.T.C. in the military field.

8. The transfer of the KNIL material shall be effectuated in common consultation on an orderly and efficient basis.

9. The Government of the R.I.S. and the Netherlands Government will after the coming into being of the R.I.S. hold discussions in respect of the co-operation concerning subjects in the field of defence referred to in the Union Statute. Regulations in this respect shall be included in the agreement referred to in the Union Statute.



[AA : A1838, 854/10/4/3, vi]