Critchley to Burton

Cablegram K353 BATAVIA, 6 December 1949


In connection with the forthcoming Security Council debate I assume you will be instructing Hood regarding the future of the U.N. organ in Indonesia. My views remain as set out in my cablegrams and letter from The Hague (references unavailable), i.e. that UNCI continue under the general terms of reference provided in the January 28 Resolution [1] and The Hague Agreement until the position in Indonesia becomes clearer. This is also in line with the conclusion of the Commission’s recent report.

2. Rum reports that the State Department has suggested to the Dutch that, if agreeable to them and to the Indonesians, the U.S.

submit a resolution in the Security Council expressing the hope that Indonesia will shortly become a member of the United Nations.

Both parties are inclined merely to abide by The Hague agreement whereby Indonesia’s membership will be sponsored by the Netherlands. In view of possible Soviet reactions the Indonesians feel that if there is to be any such resolution in the Council, it should be jointly moved by a number of Council members including the Asian group.

3. Preparations for transfer of sovereignty appear to be proceeding smoothly in Indonesia. The most vital question is the supply of arms and ammunition to the T.N.I.


1 Document 168.


[AA : A4357/2, 252, ii]