Makin to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram 28 WASHINGTON, 11 January 1949, 6.36 p.m.


Your Austunat 14. [1]

When at Lake Success the Indian Ambassador asked if he could have informal talk with me in Washington, the following day. Rau called 8th January, discussed briefly and in most informal way what had taken place at Council meetings and suggested need for some ideas concerning what might be proposed in Security Council when it met 11th.

2. I informed Rau that Australian views had been fully set out in statement before the Council 7th January (Austunat No. 4 [2]) and that we had no instructions to propose resolution. Any such action would be taken by Hood with whom he should make contact on his arrival in New York. In anticipation of talk, I had prepared rough draft of what might give expression to Australia’s views, but made it clear that this was merely an attempt to clarify our own thinking.

3. Draft, after noting Dutch failure to comply with Council resolutions, called on Dutch:

(a). To grant full freedom of movement to Indonesian political leaders.

(b). To withdraw armed forces behind demilitarised zones as they stood on 17th December.

(c). To grant facilities to military observers.

Draft also included suggestion of increasing size of Committee of Good Offices and re-constituting it as Commission of the Council.

Rau expressed interest in draft. He seemed to be collecting ideas and made it clear that his talk was without any instruction. I emphasised this was my position also.

4. I sent copy of draft and account of Rau’s approach to Hood. As conversation was purely informal and exploratory and did not bring to light any significant information on Indian attitude, I did not consider it necessary to report to you.

5. At Rau’s request I also accompanied him 9th January for informal discussion with British Ambassador. [3] Franks merely reiterated United Kingdom position as stated in Paris. He clearly had received no advice or instructions following approach by High Commissioners in London. Again nothing emerged which seemed to warrant a report to you.


1 Document 62.

2 Document 50.

3 Sir Oliver Franks.


[AA : A1838, 401/3/1/1, vi]