Australian Delegation, United Nations, to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram UN636, NEW YORK, 15 July 1948, 8.39 p.m.


New Guinea.

1. Report on meeting 15th July follows in separate cable.

2. Indications of today’s meeting are that following will be against Administrative Union as proposed in Bill.

3. We can probably defer any definite conclusion until Monday but would appreciate guidance by then.

4. Possibilities in order of desirability are:

(a) Council take note of decision and information and forward views expressed to Australian Government.

(b) Council take note as above and forward as above and Australia undertake that account will be taken of views expressed.

(c) Formal resolution expressing Council’s opinion of Administrative Union as proposed in Bill amounts to political union and is not consistent with charter objectives or with declaration of 1946 concerning annexation and suppression of identity of trust territory.

(d) Reference of question to International Court of Justice.

5. On present showing there is probability of adverse vote. Sayre (USA) seems uncertain whether Bill is merely Administrative Union. As probably all non-administering members will take view Bill goes beyond Administrative Union and article of agreement vote could well be six against five, assume New Zealand support Australia. Diplomatic action with Americans in Canberra or Washington might be helpful but time factor may be important.

6. Soviet has not so far spoken on this aspect but is to speak tomorrow 16th. Normal procedure would be examination of other functional sections of report before proceeding to general discussion with view to drafting conclusions.


[AA : A1838, 306/2/1, I]