United Nations Division to Evatt

Minute, CANBERRA, 29 July 1949

INTERIM COMMITTEE [matter omitted]

4. In its two years of existence the Interim Committee has done little, beyond giving advice, from which Australia dissented, to the Korean Commission in connection with the holding of elections in Korea. It has done some useful work in connection with the pacific settlement of disputes and has had several recommendations accepted by the Assembly. This work, however, has mostly been done by the Secretariat and could perhaps have been more efficiently supervised by small ad hoc committees.

5. The committee has now been given a fair two years trial and the time seems opportune to review the question of its continuance. The policy of allowing it to drift into permanency might be as dangerous as that of giving it wider powers in connection with international peace and security as has been proposed by some states.

[matter omitted]


[AA : A1838, 852/20/3, VI]