Australian Delegation, Economic and Social Council, to Australian Government

Cablegram 114, GENEVA, [1] August 1949, 11.14 p.m.


1. France has approached us suggesting joint resolution drawing attention to declining effective demand leading to unemployment in certain countries and noting existence of national plans to maintain employment recommending consultation between government[s] to co-ordinate action and inviting Economic and Employment Commission to present concrete suggestions to the next session of the Council on the timing and co-ordination of anti-cyclical measures.

2. This partly attempts to offset doctrinaire resolution submitted by W.F.T.U.[1] (Doc E/1332/ADD.2) and meet French Trade Union.

3. The wording of the resolution may well be modified following discussion with other delegations. The French have also approached the United Kingdom.

4. As the matter may come suddenly grateful for your immediate views on - (a) type of resolution E.C.O.S.O.C. might adopt, and (b) whether Australia should sponsor resolution which might be misinterpreted in Australia as implying apprehension over possible imminence of unemployment.

_[1] The World Federation of Trade Unions, which had consultative status with the Economic and Social Council, had submitted to the Council a list of specific counter-measures against unemployment.


[AA : A3195, I.11407]