Department of External Affairs to Australian Delegation, United Nations

Cablegram 509, CANBERRA, 14 October 1949, 6.30 p.m.


Full Employment. Please put forward following draft resolution during debate.[1] Explanatory telegram following.

GENERAL ASSEMBLY NOTES the discussions which have taken place at the Ninth Session of the Economic and Social Council on problems of employment and economic stability;

APPROVES the action of the Secretary-General in inviting a group of experts to report on national and international measures to achieve and maintain full employment;

DECLARES 1. that action by each member to promote and maintain domestic full employment, in accordance with Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter, is the basic requirement for the achievement of a stable and expanding world economy;

2. that the achievement of non-discrimination in international trade and exchange and of other objectives of international agreements such as the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund and the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, would be prejudiced by failure to maintain full and productive employment, especially in those countries which are responsible for an important share of world trade;[2]

3. that a high and stable level of international investment, particularly in the under-developed areas of the world, would contribute materially to the realisation of these objectives.

NOTES WITH SATISFACTION 1. declarations of various Governments of their intention [to] deal promptly with unemployment and their recognition of the contribution which such steps will make towards the maintenance of world-wide economic stability;

2. the intention of the Economic and Social Council to study further the related questions of measures to achieve full employment and to encourage international investment;

RECOMMENDS 1. that all Governments consider as a matter of urgency their international responsibility, under Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter, to take action, as the need arises, to promote and maintain full and productive employment.

2. that the world economic situation be reviewed again at the next session of the General Assembly in the light of Articles 55 and 56 of the Charter.

_[1] The fourth session of the General Assembly was in session at New York from 20 September to 10 December 1949.

[2] Following discussions with the delegations of the United States, France and British Commonwealth countries, the Australian delegation changed the wording of some paragraphs before submission to the Second Committee. The changes were minor except for this paragraph which was reworded as follows to obtain US support:

‘2. That, as recognised by principles of Havana Charter, the objectives of international commercial and financial agreements such as the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund and G.A.T.T. would be impaired by failure to take action designed to maintain full and productive employment, especially in those countries which are responsible for an important share of world trade.’


[AA : A1838, 778/5/4]