Australian Delegation, United Nations, to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram UN591, NEW YORK, 6 October 1949


Technical assistance.

1. Following is draft of amendment to ECOSOC resolution 222 (IX)[1] to give effect to paragraph 3 of your 454. In fourth paragraph of Annex II[2] add after ‘development’ the words - ‘to be available to those agencies which participate in the expanded programme of technical assistance and which accept the observations and guiding principles set out in Annex I of the Council’s resolution and the arrangements made by the Council for the administration of the programme.

Requests the Economic and Social Council to study the question of agreements with the specialised agencies, in accordance with Article 63 of the Charter, which would define the relationships of the specialised agencies with the United Nations in connection with the organisation and operation of an expanded programme of technical assistance.’ Begin new paragraph with the word ‘approves’.

2. This will probably secure United States support. It would immediately commit agencies to Assembly decision. United States and some other countries do not favour negotiating agreements under Article 63 in the first years because they consider we should first see how the proposed arrangements work out in practice. If agreements were negotiated it would be difficult and slow process to make amendments in the light of experience.

3. Please advise if this is acceptable.[3]

_[1] The resolution is summarised in Document 259.

[2] The fourth paragraph of annex II to Resolution 222 (IX) of 15 August 1949 reads: [The General Assembly] ‘authorizes the Secretary-General to set up a special account for technical assistance for economic development, and approves the recommendations of the Council to Governments participating in the Technical Assistance Conference regarding financial arrangements for administering contributions and authorizes the Secretary-General to fulfil the responsibilities assigned to him in this connexion’. The following paragraph invites governments to make large voluntary contributions to the account.

[3] External Affairs replied that it agreed with the amendment and the argument in paragraph 2. However, the delegation found doubtful support for paragraph 2 and decided to omit it from the amendment when it was tabled on 12 October 1949. It was adopted unanimously on the following day. Subsequently, the Economic and Social Council submitted the draft resolution to the General Assembly which adopted it unanimously on 16 November 1949.


[AA : A1838/278, 852/20/1, IV]