Chifley to Evatt

Letter, CANBERRA, 31 October 1949

I desire to acknowledge your letter of 27th October in connection with Australia’s contribution to the United Nations scheme to provide technical assistance to under-developed countries.

I note that you recommend that the Australian Delegation should be authorised to support the establishment of a definite scale of contributions for 1950 and to offer a contribution by the Australian Government not exceeding £A200,000.

I shall make some enquiries into the matter and will write to you again as soon as possible.[1]

_[1] On 10 November 1949 Tange telephoned H.R. Woodrow at Treasury who said he would look into the matter. On 18 November External Affairs informed the delegation at the United Nations that it did not expect a ministerial decision this year.


[AA : A1838, 716/1/1, IV]