Burton to Heydon

Cablegram 3185, CANBERRA, 22 August 1948, 7.30 p.m.


Galleghan reports approach by United Kingdom Authorities in Berlin regarding plans for evacuation of British subjects in event of emergency and has requested advice as to policy to be adopted by mission in the event of deterioration of present situation.

2. We have replied that while ultimately discretion must rest with him the question of general policy will be referred to the Minister by you.

3. There appears to be no objection to having plans prepared in concert with United Kingdom Authorities but whole matter would have to be handled with extreme care to avoid appearance of panic.

4. Please find out full details from United Kingdom Authorities and then refer Galleghan’s query to the Minister. You should advise Galleghan direct of Minister’s reply repeating to us.


[AA : A3318, L48/3/1/4/7]