Australian Delegation, United Nations, to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram UN446, NEW YORK, 16 May 1948, 3.30 p.m.



1. It is regrettable that Australian amendment (paragraph 7 of my UN 441) was not carried before the Assembly arose as the only chance was thereby lost of providing at least some temporary United Nations footing in Jerusalem. Owing to the confused and hasty final stages of the debate and the inevitable short notice of introduction of the amendment, many delegations which might have been expected to support, abstained.

2. The position now is that the sole authority in Jerusalem will be the British-appointed Municipal Commissioner who will have to act, if he can act, without United Nations backing. At the same time, as the November 29th resolution is still in force, the way is clear if thought advisable for the Trusteeship Council to adopt the Statute of Jerusalem and proceed to implement its terms.


[AA : A1838, TS852/20/2, VI]