Evatt to Burton

Cablegram E14, PARIS, 27 September 1948, 11 p.m.

Your 370.

I do not think we should at present make any commitments to Bernadotte’s conclusions otherwise we may not be sufficiently free to influence an Assembly decision. Last Assembly’s recommendations were proposed to be modified by Mediators in certain respects but essential features of his suggestions[1] in conformity with Assembly decision of 29th November, namely, political partition of Palestine, creation of Israel and international trusteeship for Jerusalem and Bethlehem. I had long conversation with Bernadotte at Geneva meeting and was impressed by his ability and sincerity. At the same time his recommendations will almost certainly be revised as to territorial adjustment.

_[1] Presumably the word ‘are’ was omitted here.


[AA : A1838, 191/2/1]