Australian Delegation, United Nations, to Burton

Cablegram Austdel 316 (extract), PARIS, 3 December 1948, 2.05 a.m.


PALESTINE 5. As a result of the debate initiated largely by Australian amendments[1], voting to-day on operative parts of United Kingdom resolution led to unexpected results. All three clauses laying down directive for proposed Conciliation Commission as proposed by agreed United Kingdom - United States text were rejected, leaving nothing of substance in the United Kingdom resolution. United Kingdom have since approached us recognising they must make some advance towards our (and essentially United States) attitude with a view to the next step. This seems to us to be the appointment of Sub-Committee to establish powers of Commission in conformity with the principles of 1947 resolution and United Kingdom acquiescence in our view is to be impressed by them on United States tonight.

_[1] Australia had proposed all substantial parts of its resolution as amendments to the UK resolution. The Committee had then voted on the Australian amendments and rejected all of them.


[AA : A1838, 852/10/11, I]