Australian Delegation, United Nations, to Department of External Affairs

Cablegram UN865, NEW YORK, 21 November 1949, 1.19 p.m.

The General Assembly - I. Having regard to its resolutions 181(11) 29th November, 1947 and 194(111) 11th December, 1948[1];

II. Having studied reports of United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine set up under latter resolution;

decided - (A) In relation to Jerusalem believing that principles underlying its previous resolutions concerning this matter and in particular its resolution of 29th November, 1947, represent a just and equitable settlement of question - (1) To restate therefore its intention that Jerusalem should be placed under permanent international regime which should envisage appropriate guarantees for protection of Holy Places both within and outside Jerusalem;

(2) To commend United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine for its reports (A/973 and Annex II of A/992) on this question but to instruct it to give urgent reconsideration to this matter with view to bringing its proposals for international regime into closer harmony with proposals set out in resolution of 29th November, 1947, as defined in detail by Trusteeship Council’s Statue for Jerusalem (T/118 as revised and corrected) with exception of now inapplicable provisions of Articles 32 and 39; which represent a more complete detailed and acceptable proposal for internationalisation and protection of Holy Places and for access to them;

(3) To instruct United Nations Conciliation Commission for Palestine to report with a detailed plan to fifth session of General Assembly:

[matter omitted][2]

_[1] For the latter resolution see editorial note between Documents 68 and 69.

[2] The omitted material proposed to continue the Conciliation Commission for one year. It also called upon states concerned to assist the Commission and to observe terms of the resolution.


[AA : A1838, 851/12/8, I]