Cablegram Austdel 13, PARIS, 21 September 1948, 11.50 p.m.
1. Dr. Evatt was elected President of General Assembly. Final voting 31 Evatt, 20 Bramuglia Argentine. Since some of Arab States voted against Minister, his election represents a remarkable achievement since it means that Latin American bloc was broken into. Poland voted for Minister and rest of Soviet group abstained on final ballot.
2. Committee Chairmen elected are 1 Spaak, Belgium, 2 Santa Cruz, Chile, 3 Malik, Lebanon, 4 Entezam, Iran, 5 Wilgress, Canada who was nominated by Australia, 6 Alfaro, Panama. Australia, United Kingdom and United States supported Czechoslovakia for sixth committee but were outvoted by Latin American group. Vice Presidents to be elected tomorrow.
[AA : A1838, 852/9/3, II]