Thursday, 1st November 1928

1st November, 1928


(Due to arrive Canberra 30.11.28)

My dear P.M.,

In continuation of my letter of last week on New Guinea [1], I enclose such particulars as I have been able to get from Somerset House about the Melanesia Company. [2] It may be of interest to the Home and Territories Department.

I am, Yours sincerely, R.G. CASEY

_1 Letter 156.

2 The enclosure (on file AA:A1420) showed that of the company’s 110 000 1 shares, 61 500 were held by Sir Harry Brittain and two other English directors, 13 500 by another Englishman and 35 000 by the Direction der Disconto Gesellschaft, Berlin. Debenture stock for 150 000 had been registered but Casey had not been able to establish how much of it had been issued or to whom.

